2020-2021 News Stories
On July 22, 2020, parents from around the district participated in a focus group with Sherrard School District Superintendent and School Board Members to discuss the upcoming Return to Learn plan.
May 26, 2021 - Tom Leahy, director of executive searches for Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) conducted a community forum to gather input on the search for a new superintendent on Wednesday. Leahy was hired by the school board on the heels of Superintendent Alan Boucher's announcement of his retirement at the end of the 2021/2022 school year.
Congratulations to the following staff members who are officially retiring at the end of this year. Thank you for the investment of your time, energy, and talents. Our district is better because of you. It is sad to see you go, but we are happy for the new chapter in your lives. Take care of yourselves and remember that you will always be a Sherrard Tiger. Best wishes for a prosperous and healthy retirement. - Alan Boucher, Superintendent
Eighth grade earth science teacher Erin DeKeyrel just finished her first year with Sherrard School District.
“I love the sense of community working in a rural school district offers. My dad and his family went through school in the Sherrard district.
Sherrard Elementary students walked to Disney early this year. That is, they added the number of miles walked all together until they ‘reached Disneyland’ in California. Get outside, get exercise, get a mask break and get some fresh air.
Cheerleaders raised a total of $3,131.40 doing a ‘Push-up fundraiser' during the football season. “The cheer girls have always done pushups for touchdowns. After the first game, we decided to do a ‘push up pledge’ for every point the football team scored; parents/fans LOVED when the girls did the push ups, so it just seemed like an awesome thing to do,” she said.
Sherrard HS National Honor Society Inductees for 2021 participated in an online induction ceremony produced by the National NHS office to coincide with their 100th anniversary.
Seniors and a limited number of guests were invited to the Sherrard High School Academic Awards Night. The annual event usually features every class, but had to be paired down to adhere to COVID-19 guidelines.