2023-2024 News Stories
Sherrard held graduation outside on Sunday, May 19, 2024.
Each year, Elementary Art Teacher Tony Vermeer gives his first-grade students at Winola and Sherrard Elementary schools a fun assignment: creating a puppet show. This creative project is the grand finale of his art unit on FolkTales and Fairy Tales.
Local author and retired KWQC reporter Gary Metivier visited Matherville Intermediate earlier this year, invited by student Harrison Zerull for a book report presentation on Metivier’s book, "My Mask. My War: A WWII Memoir."
Congratulations to the JH Track and Field Team for their outstanding performance at the IESA State Meet!
Congrats to the Girls HS Track team for their amazing performance at the IHSA State competition last weekend!
Sherrard Activities Director Lisa Emendorfer gave the athletes a few tips during the signing ceremony May 8, “Be prepared to be a the ‘new kid’, it is going to be hard. You have been a ‘big fish’ in our Sherrard pond, everyone knows you, we know your accomplishments, we all think you are amazing.
April 2024 - HS Band & Choir both earned Division 1 Ratings at the recent IHSA Organizational Contest!
Kathy Slattery, supervisor at Sherrard Elementary School was chosen to be the Tiger Talent for the month of April.
Over the years Slattery has served in varying capacities, “I have volunteered 32 years. Approximately 21 years subbing in the kitchen and 11 as a lunch lady,” she detailed.
- Sherrard Elementary