- Sherrard CUSD 200
- Closure Updates
3-16-2020 School Closure Update
Posted by Alan Boucher on 3/16/2020
Generally speaking, the schools will be open from 8:30 to 10:30 each morning for parents to pick-up and drop-off items. Before you make the trip, you might want to call to make sure someone is there. Also, feel free to email or call the principals. They will be at the schools during most business hours.
The Tiger Closet is being offered during the shutdown. Hygiene items are available. Contact teachers Brenda Gates (gatesb@sherrard.us) or Michelle Rolsch (rolschm@sherrard.us) or Vanessa Schulenberg (schulenbergv@sherrard.us) if you are interested.
This Wednesday’s school board meeting is being moved to the high school library as a way to preserve social distancing.
Only a few families have signed up so far for the free meals that are being offered during the shutdown. All students regardless of income in the district are welcome to participate. Each child will receive two sacks containing enough food for two breakfasts and two lunches. Call the Unit office if you want to participate during some or all of the shutdown. The phone number is 593-4075. There will be pick-up locations at Winola, Matherville, Sherrard Elementary and the Coyne Center Fire Station. The days are this Wednesday and Friday and next Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11 to noon. The Nourish to Flourish Back Pack food items will also be at these locations on these days.
Tomorrow begins the journey of e-learning in our district. The staff has invested many hours in getting ready. Your child will begin on the district website which is www.sherrard.us/closure There you will find a lot of information about how to get started. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) link is very important because you will be able to find the answers to questions you might have. You can submit a question by sending an email to contactus@sherrard.us. The question and answer will be posted on the FAQ link. This is a better option that asking on the district’s Facebook page. We will have Tiger Express volunteers who will deliver learning materials and food to the homes of students. You can request a delivery by clicking on the Family Tiger Express link in the e-learning section of the website. There are bound to be problems we didn’t anticipate and there will probably be some confusion. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding. Because this shutdown could last an extended period of time, it is important for us to continue with educational activities.
A question has been asked about students being in the building during the shutdown. Students are welcome to enter the building to pick-up an item or to drop-off an item, but they should not be in the building otherwise.