Pickens honored with Tiger Talent award in January

Dana Pickens

Dana Pickens, 5th grade Matherville Intermediate teacher, was recognized as this month’s Tiger Talent recipient at the school board meeting earlier this evening.   👏👏👏👏👏👏

Matherville Intermediate colleagues collectively wrote the following:

“Mrs. Pickens loves her students and they love her! She has a natural ability to connect with students, always putting them first. Everyday, whether it be in the hallway, classroom, office, or lounge, you will see Dana with a giant smile and creating a positive environment with those around her. Often you will see Dana’s former students waving at, hugging, or shouting out to her in excitement. Her ability to build relationships leads to success in the classroom. Dana was truly born to be a teacher.

Dana is considered a leader in the building. She has been an active member of Matherville’s BLT and always volunteers whenever needed in any capacity. Dana is always willing to mentor new staff and lead the way in her hallway. 

Everyone at Matherville is lucky to have a colleague and a friend in Dana Pickins.”

Board Members

Superintendent Dr. Carl Johnson implemented the award for “...those who model, build and encourage positive character qualities - speaking into students’ lives by word and deed that will resonate for years to come and help guide them to become the leaders and contributing community members of tomorrow.”

“We all remember that one person who said or did something that stuck with us - they made us feel important, they noticed our strengths, and it's something we revisit in times of struggle... Those deserve to be acknowledged for their dedication,” said Dr. Johnson.

She received a golden metal apple 🍎 with “Tiger Talent” inscribed to commemorate her hard work.
