• What Defines a Homeless Student?

    Students who are considered to be homeless "lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence". This includes children or young people who are living in motels, hotels, campgrounds, transitional shelters, parks, cars, or any nighttime residence that is a public or private place not meant to be used as a regular sleeping accommodation. This also includes children who fall into the following groups:

    • Children waiting for foster placement
    • Migratory Children who have night-time accommodations that are not fit for habitation
    • Unaccompanied youth who are not in physical custody of a parent or guardian
    • Children who are denied housing by a parent or guardian
    • Children or young people who are sharing a residence with another family
    • Children living in shelters

    Rights of Homeless Students:

    The McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Assistance Act protects the rights of all homeless students by:

    • Assuring they have a free, appropriate public education
    • Identifying and providing assistance to meet academic and non-academic needs
    • Ensuring barriers to education are eliminated

    Dispute Resolution:

    For purposes of homeless education and pupils, dispute resolution is the formal process available to districts/schools and parents/guardians/unaccompanied youth should a dispute arise regarding a pupil's eligibility for homeless services under federal and state law. The link provided clarifies the dispute resolution procedures:

    McKinney-Vento Dispute Process

    Sherrard Community Schools: