- Sherrard CUSD 200
- Closure Updates
3-31-2020 School Closure Update
Posted by Alan Boucher on 3/31/2020
Today, Governor Pritzker extended the school closure to the end of April. We will continue providing instruction to the students until then. Last week, the Governor changed a few of the e-learning requirements. Until now, the State strongly encouraged schools to provide home instruction. Now, schools are mandated to provide it. The staff is currently working on a plan and will begin implementing the changes on Friday. We will announce more information when the revised plan is finished.
Many students in the district are taking full advantage of the learning opportunities the teachers are providing. Some are not. Please encourage your child to spend time each day completing the learning activities. Contact your child’s teachers if you have concerns or you are uncertain about the activities. On May 1st, we will have been out of school for about seven weeks, so it is important that the students stay engaged with learning.
Some families do not have a robust and reliable internet connection. Many cell phone companies and cable TV companies have low-cost or even free internet programs at this time, so contact your local providers to see if there is something available for your family.
We will continue to provide breakfast and lunches during the closure. Please email Marla Miller if you would like to start receiving meals or if you will not be picking up a meal on a particular day. We have had numerous unclaimed sack meals lately which causes food waste. Families missing two pick-ups in a row will be removed from the list until they notify us that they want back on the list. Marla Miller’s email address is millerm@sherrard.us