February Tiger Talent: Joe Veronda

"Number one, he is committed to relationships. Especially the at-risk kids... some students from last year wanted to be history teachers because he's here," said Basala.  

Joe Veronda
Superintendent Dr. Johnson presented the Tiger Talent
Golden Apple award to Joe Veronda during the February School
Board meeting.


Joe Veronda, Junior High history teacher earned the Tiger Talent award for the month of February.


Superintendent Dr. Carl Johnson implemented the award for:


“...those who model, build and encourage positive character qualities - speaking into students’ lives by word and deed that will resonate for years to come and help guide them to become the leaders and contributing community members of tomorrow.” 


“We all remember that one person who said or did something that stuck with us - they made us feel important, they noticed our strengths, and it's something we revisit in times of struggle... Those deserve to be acknowledged for their dedication,” said Dr. Johnson. 


Junior High Principal, Rick Basala (who nominated him for the award), and colleagues JH geography teacher Michael Ator and JH science teacher Haylie Selhost spoke about Veronda in the video shown in his honor.


Veronda received a golden metal apple with “Tiger Talent” inscribed to commemorate his dedication to Sherrard Schools.




