ROE Employee of the Month - Amber Bruning

Bruning and Muerhoff

Amber Bruning, Winola Elementary speech-language pathologist (SLP) was honored as ‘Employee of the Month’ today by the Regional Office of Education.

Tammy Muerhoff, ROE Regional Superintendent, presented a certificate, ROE swag and coupons for treats from local establishments.

Winola Principal Kari Roberts nominated her for the honor,
“(She) is such an invaluable asset in both our elementary and preschool settings. She acts as a champion for young learners, working tirelessly to identify and address speech, language, and social communication challenges.

Ms. Amber provides individualized therapy plans, fostering a safe and nurturing space for children to develop their voices and confidence. Her expertise extends beyond direct intervention, collaborating with teachers and parents to create inclusive learning environments that cater to diverse communication needs.

She empowers children to express themselves effectively, build meaningful connections with peers, and unlock their full potential in the crucial early years of development. In essence, Ms. Amber is a cornerstone of our school community, ensuring every child has the tools they need to communicate, connect, and flourish.”