Parenting Class Learns about Genetics with Miniature Hereford Heifer

April 10, 2024 - This morning was a moo-ving experience in our HS parenting class!

Jacque Hamerlinck made the most of the shorter class periods with today's early out by bringing in a special guest speaker - none other than CoraBelle, the adorable 3-week-old Miniature Hereford heifer!

Students witnessed the marvels of genetics as they learned how CoraBelle will grow to nearly half the weight of her standard-sized counterpart, tipping the scales at up to 800 pounds!

The outdoor classroom was filled with "awe!"s and declarations of, "she's SO cute!" as students soaked in CoraBelle's presence.

Special thanks to Jacque's husband, Eric, for bringing CoraBelle for her debut appearance.